
11 Reasons to Increase Your Cybersecurity: Protection and Prevention Strategies

It’s always good for your company to have a cybersecurity plan. 

To help you get started, we’ve compiled this list of 11 reasons for you to educate yourself and increase your cyber security, starting with why it’s important to do so in the first place. 

Remember, the cost of an attack can be either physical or financial – it often pays off to play defense. Here at https://afrohistorama.info/ has some more reasons on how  to increase your cybersecurity.

Many of you are familiar with cyber security. Having a plan in place is crucial, especially if you’re the target of a cyber attack. 

We’ve compiled this list of 11 reasons for you to increase your cybersecurity, starting with why it’s important to do so in the first place. Remember, the cost of an attack can be either physical or financial it often pays off to play defense.

1)”It’s time to assess what kind of information you have”

Everyone needs more data protection options these days. Whether it’s encrypting sensitive data on laptops or storing files off-site in secure locations, employees need tools they can use at their disposal when dealing with cyber security threats.

2)”Sophisticated hacking software has become widely available”

The once limited availability of powerful hacking software is no longer true. Hackers these days can get their hands on almost any type of cyber security tool they want – and in many cases, they don’t even need to purchase it in the first place. 

3)”You might be liable if your organization doesn’t educate its employees”

You’ve heard this before: ignorance is no defense. Employees who aren’t aware of the risks involved in cyber security could potentially find themselves facing disciplinary action – or worse yet, legal action – if something goes wrong and your company’s data ends up getting leaked online.

4)”Bypassing security can be difficult, but it’s never impossible”

Hackers may have the ability to get the information they need – but this doesn’t mean it should be an easy process. In many cases, hackers will need to crack passwords or other types of authentication in order to get into a database.

5)”Sending unsolicited emails can lead to serious contamination”

Spam is a word that you will often hear in relation to hacking. Spam emails could promote unauthorized downloads that could infect a PC with malware or cause a virus outbreak. If a hacker sends a spam email from your company, this could prove very dangerous for your company.

6)”A firewall only stops the lazy hacker”

Firewalls are designed to stop all incoming traffic from unauthorized users. This is true – but if a hacker is persistent enough, it’s very possible that they’ll find a way to get past such a firewall and penetrate your network.

7)”Malware writers want to make money or create mayhem”

Generally, malware writers post their software on the web for free. Sometimes this is done with the intention of tricking unsuspecting individuals into installing their software and infecting their computers with viruses and malware. 

Other times, this is done in order to make money off the users who willingly download their products thinking that they will be beneficial to them. 

Malware writers don’t appear to give a damn about whether their software actually works, and they will gladly take your organization’s money in exchange for the easy access their hacking tool provides them.

8)”Organizations need to take cyber security seriously – or else”

When companies start taking cyber security seriously, it often goes the other way – the company pays a higher price when something does happen. If your company provides personal information online, you have to realize that someone will always be willing to target your organization in order to get that information. 

Cyber criminals are well aware that a hacked database can lead to a lot of trouble for an organization – and this is one of the reasons why they’re sophisticated in their original attacks. If your company is not using proper protection and mitigation techniques, you will likely fall victim to a hacker who does.

9)”Security vulnerabilities can increase as time goes by”

Many companies don’t realize this; but the longer they wait to address a specific vulnerability, the worse it will get. Eventually, hackers will learn about it and find a way to exploit it. If your organization has been ignoring security for some time now, you might already be behind in terms of protecting yourself from cyber attacks.

10)”A good playbook is neatly organized and easy to follow”

When an attack puts your organization in jeopardy, one of the best things that you can do is have a strong playbook to quickly recover from such an attack. 

Having a strong playbook is a great way to provide your employees with a simple plan of action so they can effectively deal with a security threat. Without a well-organized playbook of your own, it will be very difficult for you to have any sort of an organized plan leading up to and during an attack.

11)”It’s more difficult for hackers to get into the more secure websites”

Although this isn’t an entirely accurate statement, many people tend to think that if their site is located on what seems like an obscure IP address that they have the lowest chance of being attacked online. 

Unfortunately, hackers don’t care about the IP address that they’re attacking – they’ll go after anyone regardless of their traffic numbers.

The above is just some of the many reasons why your company should start bolstering its cybersecurity. This may go without saying, but at the end of it all, you will be more secure if you can take advantage of some type of encryption service. 

This will only help you in the long run, especially if your organization needs to store sensitive data on multiple devices across your network. The above reasons are best summed up in one simple statement: “better security leads to better business.” If you’ve had enough with cyber attacks targeting your data, it’s time for you to take action.

Cormaci Devid

The most amazing person you will ever meet. I am the internet's original narcissist, and I'm not afraid to say it! My life is one big globetrotting adventure that only ends when death takes me away from all this beauty - which could be sooner rather than later if my health doesn't improve soon enough ( hospital visits are expensive ). But until then: onward into unknown territory...

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