The bureaucratic management style is characterized by a top-down approach to decision-making, with the leader holding almost all power. The manager assigns tasks and responsibilities to employees who work below them in a hierarchical manner.
Employees are expected to follow orders without question and complete their tasks as efficiently as possible. This type of management is popular among businesses because it enables one person (the boss) to make decisions for many people (the subordinates).

The hierarchical form of organization is a type of bureaucratic management. According to bureaucratic management, the idea is that the manager should supervise an organization and assign tasks and responsibilities for employees who work below them in a hierarchical manner.
This means that those at the top have authority while those lower down are expected to follow orders without question or challenge from their superiors. The advantage of this style of management is that it enables one person (the boss) to make decisions for many people (subordinates).
When you’re running a small business with just two staff members—a CEO and a receptionist, for example—you want your employee taking care of customer enquiries rather than coming up with creative solutions themselves.