Moral theories are philosophies that identify the right thing to do in a given situation. There is no one theory that always fits, but many people use utilitarianism as their moral guide. Utilitarianism advocates for taking the action that produces the least harm. In this blog post,

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we will explore what it means to take an ethical position based on utilitarianism and how you can apply it to your own life so you can make more informed decisions about what’s best for everyone involved. The first step to determining what the least harmful action is under utilitarianism is assessing whether an act has any potential harms. The next step would be to calculate how much harm you could do by taking a specific course of action and compare it to all other courses with similar risks or benefits, such as which offers more happiness for people involved. If one possible consequence carries significantly greater risk than others, then that should be taken into consideration when making your decision because doing so will reduce overall harm. When comparing two acts each with different quantities of expected benefits and harms from both parties’ perspectives, we can find out which produces the least amount of total suffering or pain over time if they have equal levels of moral rightness (the sum may not even up


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