I am not sure if the quantity is correct for July. We are only making 20 units in July, but according to my calculations, we should be producing 80 units. I can’t seem to find any error on my spreadsheet so I’m not sure what is going on. 1) Is the number of units right? 2) Are there more steps that need to be done before production?

factory, industry, abandoned @ Pixabay

– Is the number of units right? As I mentioned, my calculations state that we should produce 80 units in July but according to this budget it is 20. Something isn’t adding up here and I cannot seem to find any errors on my spreadsheet for the numbers not matching correctly. – Are there more steps that need to be done before production? I’ve checked all the other items under Production Budget section from materials needed, quality control checks, work order generation & invoices. Everything else seems fine except maybe one thing – Quality Control Checklists. The checklist says “no QC” which means no inspection was done during production or packaging when manufacturing a new product or batch of merchandise respectively.” Could you please check this


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