Carl is a busy man. He’s got two jobs, and on top of that, he has all the mowing to do for his yard. This would be an exhausting task if not for the Yerkes-Dodson law!

The Yerkes-Dodson law says that when you are doing something very difficult or monotonous, your performance will improve by practising in shorter bursts with breaks in between.

mowing, grass, field @ Pixabay

For example, Carl can get more done during 9 hours if he takes 10-minute breaks every hour than if he spends 5 hours straight without any break at all. If Carl only has time to mow the lawn for one day, he should break it up into two sessions.

The first session will be more productive with a shorter length of breaks in between as well! That way, when he comes back later that same evening and starts his second session there is less chance of him getting burned out or bored. If you’re wondering how much time this would take, then just divide by three!

For example: if your yard needs to be mowed over four hours total, you can still get everything done in six 30 minute periods throughout the day – rather than having to work on it all at once without any breaks! Long-form content descriptions are typically longer because they require detailed explanations.


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