In 2003, a reality show called Bridezillas premiered on television. The premise was simple: take the most difficult bride-to-be and follow her around for an entire wedding season. What started as a small show with only two seasons has now become one of TLC’s longest running shows in history– with over 300 episodes released to date. But what happens when people stop getting married?
With the rise of LGBT couples, the dissolution of marriage altogether, and even more women remaining unmarried into their 30s, 40s and 50s; are ‘Bridezillas’ still relevant today? We’re going to find out.
In 2003, a reality show called Bridezillas premiered on television. The premise was simple: take the most difficult bride-to-be and follow her around for an entire wedding season. What started as a small show with only two seasons has now become one of TLC’s longest running shows in history– with over 300 episodes released to date. But what happens when people stop getting married? With the rise of LGBT couples, the dissolution of marriage altogether, and even more women remaining unmarried into their 30s, 40s and 50s; are ‘Bridezillas’ still relevant today? We’re going to find out. The first episode follows four different brides competing in a Styl