A bug is worn when it has been used for so long that the fabric starts to fray. Worn bugs are often discarded because they can no longer be repaired and are not worth a replacement. We can also use this analogy to describe how people feel after working with an outdated computer system or software program for years on end and eventually get fed up with the lack of progress in their position.

ladybugs, insects, pair @ Pixabay

A worn bug is no longer a new one. It has seen its share of accidents and mishaps, it’s been patched up more than once, the fabric has frayed to the point where you can’t even see what color it was intended to be in the first place. This metaphor applies well when describing how people feel after working with an outdated computer system or software program for years on end.

The old bugs are just that – they’re not worth fixing anymore because there’s nothing salvageable left about them; they’ve just become something else entirely. Eventually, people get fed up with this lack of progress and find themselves looking elsewhere for employment opportunities The Bug That Is Worn: A Metaphor For People Who Are Fr


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