A long, long time ago in the middle of a busy city, two young girls met for the first time. The year was 1998 and they were both ten years old. One girl had bright blonde hair and green eyes while the other had dark brown hair with hazel eyes. They instantly clicked over their mutual love for all things Disney movies and started to spend most of their free time together at each others houses or playing on swings outside. It was like they knew each other forever even though it wasn’t until then that they realized how much they meant to each other.

The brunette-haired one’s family moved away from New York City when she turned eleven so every summer her parents would take her back home so that she could spend time with her friends. The brunette-haired one’s family moved away from New York City when she turned eleven so every summer her parents would take her back home so that she could spend time with her friends. But the blonde haired girl was not too happy about this and would cry at night because of how much she missed their friendship. They promised to keep in touch even though they knew it probably wouldn’t be easy since they were living in two different places now, but a few months later an opportunity finally came up for them to see each other again! One day, while playing outside down by the swingset, which is where Bunni as well as Kelly first met, all wrapped up in their favorite blankets powered on some


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