
Formula and Steps to Convert Months into Days

How many months in 90 days

Converting months to days can be done by multiplying the number of days in a month by the number of months. For example, if you have 90 days, your answer will be 3 months.


Month x Days = Days-in-the-month 

Days-in-the-month x Months = Months in Period 

90 x 30 = 2700 

2700 / 12 = 210 ~~~ 3 Months

A simple formula to convert one number of days into another is 72 divided by the first number. 72 is 72 hours in a day, so 72/x= y where x=number of days and y is the new number of hours. For months, divide 360 (or 7 complete circles around the sun) by the first number of month days.

For example, you have a calendar page scheduled for 5/6 days. How many working hours?

72/5=14.4. So 14 and 4/12 of an hour is the equivalent number of months to use as your working hours in this day-event.

In another example: A 12-hour event (whole night event) scheduled on a calendar 6 months out? How many months are there in 12 hours? 360 / 6 = 60. Convert the 60 into 72 (hours) and get 12 hours. So you need one working day with 12 hours available to schedule this whole night event 6 months out.

Some ways to discuss these problems :

1.How many months in 90 days?

Because months can’t be written like this (90 days in 1 month and 90 days in 2nd month) my brain is rejecting the concept of months. I need to model it like quarters, most likely 3-quarters. I have 90 days and 3 quarters, so 3 or 4 months?

2. 5/6 day event on calendar page. How many working hours are there?

When dealing with tables, instead of modeling 13 working hours in 2 days, I prefer to model 6 working hours when using the calendar page and do calculations with 6. I am left with a problem of “how many months are there in 6 months?” My mind struggles with the conversion.

3. Early and late events on the calendar page. How many months are there?

I prefer to model that these two events will occur when the last quarter of a year is over (so end of May, end of August). These two events don’t have to be contiguous in time (horizontal) but they do have to be contiguous in calendar page indexing space. The days that they can be scheduled on must be evenly distributed through the calendar pages. So how many months are there between the two events?

4.How many months in 12 hours?

I want to attend an event for an entire month but I only have 12 hours available on a calendar 10 months out. (to be completed first). These 12 hours must be scheduled before I can start any other task on that same calendar page. 

How many months are there in these 12 hours? Not enough time for just one month, but if spaced out over two or more calendar pages, it will fit into the time-crunch that is imposed by this new rule.

5. Band-aid overnight event.

Because of several cancelled events, I need to fit in one band-aid overnight event in the very near future. I can’t use any calendar page that is available to me now (8 months out), but I can use one 4 months out. So these 4 calendar pages must be taken up for this one overnight event. How many working hours are left on those four calendar pages after the band-aid is placed?

6. How many weeks in 3 months? What does this tell me about asking for time off?

I’m scheduled for a 3 month training class that spans a major holiday weekend and also high season for my business. My class starts in November and finishes in December. The last training class ran from 3 weeks to 2 weeks, so how many months will this training run in? 

My business is now into its winter season and my calendar page is available to me. Given the time crunch, I need to be very selective about the events that I schedule on my calendar page. So how will I use my time wisely this winter?

7. 3 month event on calendar page. How many working hours are there?

The training class is from 6/9 to 8/8. So how does that model on the 12-month calendar page? 2 calendar pages of 6 months each will model this 3-month period. If I use 4 month indexing space, it appears that 4*6 = 24 days, plus the weekend = 27 days. 

But to schedule a class that goes from June until August, I must place the classroom day and end on a weekend in August. This leaves me with 23 working days (27 – 4 weekends in Aug) to schedule this event during a time crunch.

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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