Keeping up with a relationship isn’t easy. Especially in these days when everything is punched into fast forward. Making time for yourself is challenging, let alone making time for someone special in your life. Everything gets dialed to the max when it’s a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). Not getting to see your favorite person every day, knowing they are in a different city, state, or even country is often heart-wrenching. But with the advent of technology on almost all fronts, people have started getting creative to minimize the gap between LDRs. 

Most of what we’re going to recommend is going to bank heavily on having an active, robust internet connection. To reach out and stay connected with your partner when you two want it is a big task but it gets super easy when they’re available virtually through their mobile device. All you two would need is the internet like that of Spectrum. Call up Spectrum customer service now and make sure you get hooked up with a company that values forging strong bonds. Now, without further ado, let’s get into how to add some virtual spice to an everlasting relationship!

Set Reminder Notes

Having a constant set of reminders in place to keep your brain refreshed on your partner’s schedule is imperative. Let’s face it, we tend to get super absorbed into our workflows throughout the week. Your partner might have their birthday coming up or an exam or maybe even a trip that they’re stoked about. It’d add a nice touch to their event if you were to message them just before their venture to make their outing extra sweet. Notes work well for important holidays too and keep the back of your mind active with registering when you two will be available for each other. There’s a lot to work with honestly. 

Play Games Together

You guys don’t want to get absorbed into the constant hustle & bustle and have your love life go dry. Investing some cash into a mutual game that you could play together is a nice way to make use of tech. There are lots of free games too like 8 Ball Pool or virtual board games. More often than not though you’d have to sift through most of them to find one that suits both you and your partner. Don’t worry, many mobile games don’t go above $5.

Console gaming is a completely different ball game. They will cost you more but also be much more definitive and enjoyable. You’d be in for hours of fun and take your bond to new heights in a jiffy. 

Virtual Movie Nights

Nothing hits home quite like watching a movie with your loved one. It’s always nice to cuddle up with them and watch some wholesome content for a couple of hours. LDRs will deprive you of the physical aspect of it but hey, you give some, you lose some, right? Virtual movie nights are a wonderful option to utilize on the weekends or anytime both of you are free and want to spend good, quality time with each other. 

After the uncertainty covid brought about, there are lots of apps out there that have started giving screen share or watch-share options so you and your partner can stay in the comfort of your home and be close to each other with a movie playing in perfect sync. Just like your hearts. Don’t worry, cupids will be flying around you even if your partner is not physically there. 

Virtual Date Nights

This is a broad term but we’ll do our best to elaborate on it for you. A date night can encompass anything you and your beloved love doing together. To start off, both of you could cook yourselves a meal that had you falling in love with each other. It doesn’t need to be fancy. Just wholesome. Sit down on a candle-lit table, enjoy the same dish with them to reminiscence the good old days, and make promises of recreating more memories when you’re finally together. 

Another interesting proposition from us is that of asking your partner to indulge in one of their hobbies. Maybe your beloved likes writing poems in their free time. Ask them to read their writings to you. Or perhaps they sing. It would be adorable if they would sing and you swooned to their voice. Get creative. Discover how you could personalize and customize your dates.


That’s a wrap on our picks for how to add some extra juice to your Long Distance Relationship. We will admit that going for an LDR is pretty challenging regardless. But by using some of your own creativity and some of our tips, we hope you won’t let the flame of love die out. After all, love conquers all. 



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