This video was recorded by Lassen County Sheriff Bill Lassen. A man, with five children, who had been shot, has been arrested on a murder charge. The news video shows the aftermath of the arrest.

I’m sorry, I am not a real sheriff. This is one of the most important things I’ve seen on the internet, and I’m glad it’s finally getting to that point. I’ve seen it dozens of times on the web, but the truth is that it’s like a movie about the time you put your finger on the bullet that killed you. I’m not gonna lie to you.

The reality is that crime in Lassen County is down by more than 50 percent. It’s almost like nobody in the sheriff’s office is doing anything about it. That said, the reason we’re able to be so pessimistic is because we’re not the only ones with a gun. Our local sheriff is an old friend of ours, and he works closely with the FBI, so we know he’s got the resources to do something about it.

In Lassen County, the sheriff is really like a sheriff who’s willing to kill his deputies, just to keep him. But in the county, the sheriff’s job is done. They don’t do anything about it, they just go to the sheriff’s office and look for the murder to happen.

It was a good thing Sheriff Lassen County Sheriff was there. Just my opinion.

The sheriff doesn’t like to be the first sheriff to be killed. The rest of us can just make it a little easier to keep up with him. At least that’s the way his job is. Because we are all just a bunch of white-hat idiots.

I think it’s a good thing that the sheriff is here. Because if he wasn’t, then the sheriff would have to be a lot more paranoid than he already is. The sheriff has his own reasons for being here, so the fact that he’s not going to kill everybody just because he’s scared isn’t really a good thing.

In the end, it will be up to the police to decide who is or isnt a threat. In the movie A Good Man, there is a scene where a cop, played by Martin Freeman, says to Tom Hardy’s character, “We are not out to kill you. We are out to make sure you are alive. Your life is more important than your life.

The main reason is that he didn’t need any kind of a public service announcement, so he can just be the guy who should be on TV. You’d think he would be, but that’s not the case. The main reason why he needs to be on TV is to make sure his life is at least as good as it gets. As a result, he’s not the only one. He could be the only one, and he’s the only one that wants to be on TV.

He is the only one that will be on TV.


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