ChristianPatriotNews is a domestic American Christian conservative site and blog. Its self-proclaimed mission is to “fight for Americans of all religions,” to “join in God’s work,” and to “guard America from the encroaching forces of moral relativism.”

The following list of 10 points provides one with a broad overview of the organization, its website, content, editorial stance and approach.

1. “Christian Patriot News” is a site and blog 

It is owned by William R. Forstchen, who has been sporadically published at the site since 2008, with posts such as “Two Beloved Leaders of America’ve Been Murdered in Cold Blood by Foreigners,” “President Trump Race Pile-On,” “Devin Patrick Kelley Killed Innocent People Because He Had No Morals,” and “A Gaggle of Guilty Liberals Call for Gun Control.”

2. The site’s mission is to help America’s Christians 

It is to be “informed and do something about the moral decline of the nation.” The site aims to “protect your family from cultural rot,” and to be “a voice of reason in a world gone mad.” It is to “help you deal with the sacrifices you must make in your lifetime.”

3. The site’s intent is to offer moral support 

The site provides moral support by informing readers what to do and what not to do, providing “moral perspectives on current events,” offering “articles, editorials, columns, quotes, [and] speeches of inspiration,” and reporting on inspirational figures such as Billy Graham and Jack Hyles. It offers a forum for group discussions about topics such as:

4. The site presents information from numerous sources 

In addition to Christian Patriot News’ own articles authored by Forstchen (e.g. “Forget the NFL, Let’s Talk About Las Vegas,” “No Respect for Terrorist: Trump’s Jerusalem Decision is Right on the Money,” and “Gun Laws Don’t Work”), the site includes reports from numerous other sources (“Trump’s Unexpected Victory Becomes Reality,” “What if You are Punished for Saying ‘Merry Christmas?'” and “‘A NATION OF MURDERERS‘:: Franklin Graham BLASTS APA Over Report on Police Shootings” ).

5. The site’s style is confrontational 

The site’s style is confrontational because it criticizes liberals (e.g. by calling them “elitist,” “self-righteous,” and “contemptible”), the media, and others, while criticizing others in turn. It has a single voice of moral authority: William Forstchen. His moral judgments do not allow for disagreement of any kind (e.g. he states that President Obama is a Muslim), and his assertions are often characterized as facts even when they have little or no factual basis (e.g., such as his views of Obama’s birth certificate ). He claims that he is on the side of Christianity (e.g. Newt Gingrich has “true Christian characteristics,” and that we need to “reclaim Christianity as a positive force in American culture”), and that he is against liberalism (e.g. Obama is a “radical liberal” who does not believe in the 2nd amendment).

6. The site presents information about Islam 

The site presents information about Islam primarily as a threat to America, both internal (e.g., through political correctness) and external (“Islamic Terrorists Are Coming To Get You”). It warns Muslims are “coming after our guns,” and that they are intent on either converting or killing Americans (“Muslims Are Coming To Get You – Here’s How They Will Do It”).

7. The site presents information about politics 

The site presents information about politics through the lens of patriotism and Christianity, with a particular focus on President Trump, and against liberals. For example, it accuses the left of being “loyal to Islam,” defines liberals as “morally bankrupt,” and accuses them of not liking America (e.g., “Why Liberals Hate America”).

8. The site’s content tends to have a conservative bent 

The site’s content tends to have a conservative bent because it focuses on politics and Islam, and presents only a single point of view, with no attempt to present multiple viewpoints.

9. The site presents political positions, not facts 

The site presents political positions that are often characterized as facts (e.g., “Trump Gun Ban is Coming: Report”). It makes no attempt at scientific research and discovery, nor does it encourage visitors to think critically and evaluate the evidence.

10. The site’s use of “facts” and “facts-based” philosophy 

The site’s use of the word “fact” is problematic because it does not have any particular meaning (e.g., its definition is that it is a statement that has been verified to be true), but rather makes an assertion by asserting that a statement is a fact. The site claims to be based on facts and truth, but when presented with contrary facts, will not entertain them as facts, but rather uses terms such as “lies,” “delusion,” “media bias,” and other catch phrases to dismiss them as opinions or non-factual ideas.


The “Christian Patriot News” website presents a conservative, one-sided point of view on politics and religion, which, when researched and presented without any moral or political bias, is often not supported by facts. The site’s use of the word “fact” is problematic as it can refer to a subjective matter (“I don’t feel like exercising today,” but the rest of us still consider this an objective fact because it is something we can all observe), rather than a material reality that has been verified by multiple sources with different points of view.


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