Write for us: Be Updated With Latest News And Tech.

Write for Us

Are you passionate about technology and have a knack for creating engaging and informative content? If so, we invite you to contribute to our news and tech website! We’re always on the lookout for talented writers to join our team and share their insights, expertise, and unique perspectives on the latest developments in the tech world.

Why Write for Us?


Search Operator

Usage Example



site:example.com write for us

To find a “Write for Us” page specifically within a certain website.


intitle:”write for us” Tech

To find pages that have “write for us” in the title, focusing on Tech topics.


inurl:write-for-us SEO

To discover SEO-related “Write for Us” pages by searching URLs containing the phrase.

(Double Quotes)

“write for us” “submit a guest post”

To search for exact matches of common phrases used on “Write for Us” pages.


“write for us” -site:pinterest.com

To exclude certain domains, like Pinterest, from your search results.


“write for us” OR “contribute” Tech

To search for either “write for us” or “contribute” pages related to Tech.


filetype:doc “write for us”

Though less common, this can be used to find downloadable documents that mention “Write for Us,” potentially including submission guidelines in DOC format.


intext:”guest post guidelines” Tech

To find marketing pages that mention “guest post guidelines” somewhere in the text.


allintitle:write for us Tech

Ensures that all words appear in the title, useful for filtering to specific topics.


allinurl:submit-post Tech

Searches for URLs that contain both “submit” and “post,” targeting Tech topics.



Finds websites related to a given blog, which can uncover similar opportunities not directly found through other searches.



Shows the cached version of a specific “Write for Us” page, useful if the current page is down.


allintext:”write for us” + “guidelines” Tech

Searches for Tech sites where both “write for us” and “guidelines” appear in the text, ensuring you find detailed submission pages.

inurl: + intitle:

inurl:guest-post intitle:”write for us” Tech

Aims to find Tech sites that have both “guest-post” in the URL and “write for us” in the title, indicating a dedicated guest posting page.

OR + site:

“write for us” OR “submit an article” site:.org

Looks for nonprofit or organizational websites (.org) interested in either “write for us” submissions or “submit an article” contributions.


“write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting”

Searches for “write for us” pages while excluding those that state they are currently closed or not accepting submissions.

site: + intext:

site:edu intext:”contribute to” Tech

Finds Tech (.edu) websites seeking contributions on science topics, indicating a higher likelihood of quality and authority.

intitle: + OR

intitle:(“write for us” OR “contribute”) Tech

Searches for Tech-related pages that are specifically looking for contributors or guest posts, broadening the scope by including “contribute.”

inurl: +

inurl:blog “write for us” -category

Finds blogs with “write for us” pages by excluding URLs that contain the word “category,” potentially filtering out blog index pages.

filetype: + intext:

filetype:pdf intext:”submission guidelines”

Searches for PDFs containing “submission guidelines,” useful for academic, scientific, or professional submissions where guidelines are often in PDF format.

allinurl: + intext:

allinurl:submit-article intext:”Tech

Looks for pages where the URL suggests article submission and the text includes “Tech,” targeting how-to and tutorial sites.

” “ + intext: + OR

“guest post by” intext:(expert OR author) Tech

Finds Tech articles by guest experts or authors, indicating sites that welcome knowledgeable contributions.

site: + OR + intext:

site:.uk OR site:.ie intext:”write for us” Tech

Targets UK (.uk) and Ireland (.ie) Tech sites open for guest posts, focusing on a geographical area.

+ inurl: + intext:

-inurl:forum -inurl:thread intext:”write for us” Tech

Excludes forums and threads, focusing on Tech websites that actively seek guest posts or articles.

intext: + -“no longer”

intext:”write for us” -“no longer accepting”

Filters out sites that explicitly mention they are no longer accepting submissions, ensuring you target active opportunities.

inurl:contribute + OR + inurl:submission

inurl:contribute OR inurl:submission “Tech

Broadens the search to include URLs with either “contribute” or “submission,” aimed at Tech opportunities.

allinurl: + intitle:

allinurl:write-for-us intitle:guest “Tech tips”

Searches for Tech tips websites with “write-for-us” in the URL and pages specifically titled with “guest,” indicating guest post acceptance.

site: + -filetype:

site:example.com -filetype:pdf “submit your post”

Targets a specific site for submission opportunities but excludes PDFs, which might contain outdated guidelines.

intext: + related:

intext:”guest post guidelines” related:example.com

Finds pages with guest post guidelines that are related to a known site, uncovering similar opportunities in the same niche.

” “ + `-inurl:(tag


“write for us” -inurl:tag -inurl:tags

allintext: + -site:

allintext:”submit an article” -site:pinterest.com -site:facebook.com

Excludes social media platforms from search results, focusing on dedicated websites that accept article submissions.

intitle: + -“not looking”

intitle:”write for us” -“not looking for contributions”

Specifically targets “write for us” pages while filtering out those stating they are not currently seeking contributions.

inurl:guest + intext: + -“thank you”

inurl:guest intext:”write for us” -“thank you posts”

Focuses on guest-related URLs and excludes “thank you” posts, which often list past contributors rather than offering opportunities.

intitle: + OR + -“this page”

intitle:”contribute” OR “write for us” -“this page is closed”

Searches for titles indicating contribution opportunities, avoiding pages marked as closed.

site: + intext: + -“currently full”

site:.edu intext:”guest posts” -“currently full”

Looks for educational sites accepting guest posts but excludes any that mention they are currently full or not accepting new posts.

allinurl: + -“category” + -“archive”

allinurl:write-for-us -“category” -“archive”

Refines searches to exclude category and archive pages, which might clutter up results without offering direct opportunities.

allintext: + -“not accepting”

allintext:”write for us” -“not accepting”

Filters out pages that state they are not currently accepting submissions, streamlining the search for active opportunities.

intitle: + inurl:submit

intitle:”guest post” inurl:submit

Targets pages with “guest post” in their title and “submit” in their URL, indicating a high likelihood of submission calls.

site: + OR + -inurl:

site:.com OR site:.net -inurl:forum “write for us”

Aims to find “Write for Us” pages on commercial (.com) or network (.net) sites, while excluding forums to avoid off-topic results.

” “ + -intitle:

“submit your content” -intitle:comments

Looks for exact matches of “submit your content” but excludes pages with “comments” in the title to avoid comment sections.

inurl:author + intext:

inurl:author intext:”contribute to our site”

Finds author-specific URLs that invite contributions, suggesting guest authoring opportunities.

intitle: + -“archive” + -“tag”

intitle:”write for us” -“archive” -“tag”

Searches for pages titled “write for us,” excluding archives and tags to filter out less relevant results.

site: + -“FAQ” + -“contact”

site:example.com “write for us” -“FAQ” -“contact”

Focuses on finding “Write for Us” pages within a specific domain, excluding FAQ and contact pages to narrow down to the submission guidelines page.

intext: + OR + -“comments closed”

intext:”guest post” OR “write for us” -“comments closed”

Searches for text containing either “guest post” or “write for us,” excluding pages that mention “comments closed” to avoid outdated opportunities.

allinurl: + -“forum” + -“reply”

allinurl:guest-post -“forum” -“reply”

Targets URLs containing “guest-post” but excludes forums and replies, aiming for direct guest post submission pages.

site: + intitle: + -“no posts”

site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“no posts”

Searches for educational sites (.edu) with “write for us” in the title, excluding pages stating “no posts” to find active opportunities.

” “ + -“sign up now”

“write for us” -“sign up now”

Looks for exact matches of “write for us” while excluding any call to action like “sign up now,” which might indicate a different context.

inurl:blog + intext: + -“submit”

inurl:blog intext:”write for us” -“submit”

Searches for blogs indicating a “write for us” page but excludes those with “submit” in their text, potentially narrowing down to more specific guidelines or contact forms.

allintext: + -“not currently”

allintext:”write for us” -“not currently”

Aims to exclude pages that specifically mention they are not currently looking for contributions, focusing on active opportunities.

intitle: + -“category” + -“tags”

intitle:”submit an article” -“category” -“tags”

Filters out pages that are likely to be category listings or tag archives, honing in on direct submission pages.

site: + OR + -“guest”

site:example.blog OR site:example.news “write for us” -“guest”

Searches for “Write for Us” pages on either of two specific domains, excluding pages that use “guest” in a way that might indicate closed opportunities.

” “ + -“become a member”

“submit your work” -“become a member”

Searches for direct invitations to submit work while avoiding sites that require a membership sign-up to contribute.

inurl:contributors + intext: + -“no longer”

inurl:contributors intext:”guest writers” -“no longer”

Targets contributor-specific URLs that invite guest writers, excluding those that state they no longer accept contributions.

intitle: + -“guidelines” + -“FAQ”

intitle:”write for us” -“guidelines” -“FAQ”

Seeks out “Write for Us” titles but aims to sidestep guidelines or FAQ pages, potentially to find direct contact forms or alternative submission methods.

site: + -“archive” + -“template”

site:example.com “guest post” -“archive” -“template”

Focuses the search on a specific site for guest posting opportunities, excluding archives and templates to improve relevance.

intext: + -“apply now” + -“membership”

intext:”write for us” -“apply now” -“membership”

Searches for text inviting submissions, excluding prompts that might lead to application or membership pages rather than direct opportunities.

allinurl: + -“submit” + -“apply”

allinurl:write-for-us -“submit” -“apply”

Aims at URLs containing “write-for-us” while excluding terms that often accompany more complex submission processes or applications.

site: + intitle: + -“closed” + -“not accepting”

site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting”

Specifically targets educational sites with active “Write for Us” pages, excluding any that mention being closed to submissions.

” “ + -“sign up” + -“register”

“contribute” -“sign up” -“register”

Looks for opportunities to contribute without the need for signing up or registering, aiming for more straightforward submission processes.

inurl:blog + intext: + -“comment”

inurl:blog intext:”submit a post” -“comment”

Focuses on blogs inviting post submissions, excluding pages where “comment” might indicate a focus on reader feedback rather than guest contributions.

  1. Reach a Global Audience: Our website attracts readers from around the world who are hungry for news and information about the tech industry.
  2. Build Your Portfolio: Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting your journey, we provide a platform for you to showcase your work and gain exposure in the tech journalism field.
  3. Stay Updated: As a contributor, you’ll stay up-to-date with the latest tech trends and breakthroughs, expanding your knowledge and expertise in the industry.

What We’re Looking For

We’re interested in a wide range of tech-related topics, including but not limited to:

  • Gadgets and Gear: Reviews, buying guides, and tech product comparisons.
  • Software and Apps: Analysis, how-tos, and insights into the world of software development and applications.
  • Cybersecurity: Articles on online safety, data protection, and the latest cybersecurity threats.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Explorations of AI technologies, their applications, and their impact on society.
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: In-depth coverage of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency news, and investment strategies.
  • Science and Innovation: Stories about groundbreaking discoveries, research, and emerging technologies.

Submission Guidelines

Before submitting your article, please review the following guidelines:

  1. Original Content: We only accept original, well-researched, and plagiarism-free content. Please ensure that your work hasn’t been published elsewhere.
  2. Quality and Depth: We value in-depth analysis and insights. Your articles should be informative, engaging, and between 500 to 1,500 words.
  3. Formatting: Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability. Include relevant images and properly cite your sources.
  4. Voice and Style: Write in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. We encourage a friendly, informative tone that resonates with our readers.
  5. Editing: Our editorial team will review your submission for grammar, spelling, and factual accuracy. We may suggest revisions to improve the quality of your content.
Technology blog “write for us”
Technology + “write for us”
Technology blog “write for us”
“write for us” SEO
“write for us” digital marketing
Technology + “write for us” + guest post
Technology “write for us”
“write for us” technology
Top Trends
Tv Shows, web series,
E-commerce sites sell porn/weapons/drugs material
Adult content
Content that advocates against an individual, group, or organization
Copyrighted material
Drug, alcohol, and tobacco-related content
Hacking and cracking content
Violent content
Weapon-related content


How to Submit

To contribute to our website, please send your article in a Word document or Google Docs format to [email address]. Include a brief bio about yourself and any relevant links to your previous work or social media profiles.

Join Our Tech Community

Become a part of our tech-savvy community and help shape the conversation about the future of technology. We look forward to reading your submissions and working together to keep our readers informed and inspired by the world of tech!

For any inquiries or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our tech and news website!

Feel free to customize this “Write for Us” page to fit the specific goals and requirements of your website.