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7 Easy Ways To Make PAPASITOS Faster

A very popular dish in Mexican cuisine, a PAPASITOS is typically made of fried potatoes wrapped up in a corn tortilla which is then fried on the griddle. Traditionally, this dish is made with lard or butter, and can take upwards of an hour to make from start to finish.

One of the best things about PAPASITOS is how easy they are to make. Sure, they’re made in just a few minutes but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can cut out thirty seconds each time by following these seven easy tips! 

1. Make a good starting point.

Choose high quality, freshly cut potatoes. Specifically, Russet potatoes make for the best PAPASITOS. The best part about Russets is that they’re not very starchy and will cook quickly on the griddle. One thing I’ve found is that the first batch of PAPASITOS isn’t always the tastiest. It takes two or three tries to get them right! So, start with a few tablespoons of Refried Beans and then change up your toppings later on. This will give your PAPASITOS a better base to start from.

2. Add a little water.

I prefer to use PAPASITOS with a little water added. I find that it results in PAPASITOS that are softer, have more flavor and don’t melt too quickly. To do this, I pour in enough water to cover the bottom of the griddle and then let it cook a few minutes. The water will then evaporate and the PAPASITOS will be cooked. Pour off the water from the top and add some more meat or fixings for your PAPASITOS! Be careful when cooking with a heavier bottom of water like apple juice or red wine though. Then, once the water has cooked off, the PAPASITOS will begin to stick. This is when I add refried beans.

3. Dump ’em in the air and get them out of there fast!

When making PAPASITOS, I usually dump the Refried Beans directly on the grill and then add my toppings later on. The problem is that when the beans hit the heat, they expand which can cause a mess if you aren’t careful. The best solution is to dump the beans on the grill and then move them all around so that they spread out a little. Dump ’em in air, let ’em cool for a few seconds, then move ’em around before lifting them out of there!

4. Grill with less butter.

I find that grilling with less butter results in PAPASITOS that are much softer and taste even better than using too much butter! When I make PAPASITOS, I don’t cover them with butter until they’re finished. I find that the grease from the Refried Beans have prevented them from drying out by the time they’re ready to flip.This way, all of the butter that I use will stick to the PAPASITOS and add to their flavor! 

5. Don’t over-do it on your toppings.

I once went a little crazy with my toppings. I put on so much stuff that the PAPASITOS wouldn’t even fit inside the tortilla! It was a big mess and a big pain to clean up. Nowadays, I scoop just enough toppings to cover one small side of the tortilla. I dumped the entire bag of cheese on! It melted alright but then those melted cheese pieces came off and dropped down into my grill which kinda ruined my PAPASITOS and almost started a fire! 

6. Use a scoop.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll have trouble scooping up the toppings out of their container when it comes time to sprinkle them onto your PAPASITOS. Use a large spoon or scoop to make it easier to get the toppings out of their container. 7. Presentation is everything.

Lastly, I like to use fresh garnish with my PAPASITOS. You might think it’s best to just use your hands, but you’ll end up dropping cheese pieces and sauce everywhere! Instead, use a Scooper Spatula  to get them all out in one swoop! 

7. Keep ’em moving around on the grill.

If you let the PAPASITOS cool just a little before cooking, they’ll cook much faster. Also, I like to move the PAPASITOS around on the grill as they cook to keep them from sitting in one spot too long and burning. Try rotating them in a circular motion while they cook and then lift them out when they’re done. Which gives you more time to eat without having to worry about the PAPASITOS falling apart! 


PAPASITOS are a very easy and quick meal for any time of day. I find that they’re a great meal to make when I need an easy dinner. They only take a few minutes to make and the full recipe takes around thirty minutes. This is a great way to cut down on prep time and save time cooking! The best part about these PAPASITOS is how quickly they can be made. I like to make a big batch on the weekends and then use them as an easy meal throughout the week!

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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