

I Know, I Know, It Sounds Impressive. But This Page Could Transform Your Writing…

What Exactly Is Descriptive Investigation? And Why Should You Care? Descriptive investigation is a technique for drawing your audience into the story. It has many uses and functions. The basic idea is to take the reader on a scenic route that gives them vivid impressions of all their senses. (Anything you can think of – even taste and smell!) When done correctly, descriptive investigation will disguise what’s happening in your story so that it keeps readers guessing. When done incorrectly, it will confuse readers who want straightforward plot lines. Know about why aren’t descriptive investigations repeatable?

How can you succeed in it?

1. Know what you’re doing. If you just don’t know how to do it, then here are four things that can help you:

– Study your readers. What do they like and what don’t they like? Use this information to make your story more interesting to them.  Pick subjects that interest them, write about the ones that intrigue them, and avoid those subjects that bore them. (Okay, maybe some situations are boring but your readers aren’t.)

– Take notes on what techniques work for you when writing about characters, actions, setting… anything! Then learn how to use those techniques in your own writing.

– Study published stories. This is a good way to find out what works for other writers and what doesn’t.

– Study yourself. Look through your own writings, take notes, and use those as a guide to future writing

2. Break the rules of description.

As you read this book , you will find that most of the tips have broken the rules of descriptive investigation many times myself! But that’s okay, because it’s all in learning how to write better and breaking past your old habits will get you there faster than anything else!

3. Learn how suspense works.

Not only does suspense make readers want to keep reading your story, it gives them something to focus on when reading. It keeps them interested in your story and it makes them think about what may come next!

4. Use this book to help you write.

I’ve provided many tips, examples and answers for you to use as writing tools in your own stories. Make sure to also utilize the references I’ve given you for more information on each of these subjects and techniques. After all, I’m just here to help you succeed!

5. Keep it clean.

Just because you’re reading a book doesn’t mean that you have to write dirty. If you want to write in a dirty way, then by all means go ahead. (But I don’t recommend it.)

6. Study your secret writing subject…

…and find out if any of your characters are related to any of these people. If they are, use that information to make your story more interesting.  Maybe they share some physical traits with them, maybe they share some behavioral traits with them, or maybe they share their occupations in life! As a matter of fact, it’s not a bad idea to study the lives and occupations of people you know before you start writing so that you’ll have something deep within yourself to draw upon during the entire course of your story. (You’ll also learn what kinds of people you shouldn’t put into your characters’ lives!)

7. Make sure to include some romance in your story

Romance is a great way to draw your readers in but it’s also important that you do it right. You can’t just throw in a bunch of physical descriptions of your characters and expect them to be able to connect with the characters. That would be boring, wouldn’t it? Instead, make sure that your characters have a passion that they share with each other. Do they like playing sports together? What is their profession… or hobby… or talent? It’s alright to think up these kinds of things on your own because if you’re going for a good story, then this book will keep you on track.

8. Learn how to make suspense work for you.

Suspense is a great way to keep readers guessing what your characters will do next and keeping them glued to the pages of your story… but it can get boring if overused. So make sure that when you’re working on your story, you don’t write in the suspense too long, otherwise readers might get bored of the story. Also, try not to describe suspense in your book because this could bore readers who are looking for something plain-old action-packed (in other words, fast-paced!).

9. Start using dialogue in your story.

If you want  your stories to be interesting… and intriguing… and… well… exciting! Then you’re going to have to start using dialogue in your stories.  Dialogue will give your readers something to read (other than descriptions) and it will keep them interested in the story. See, actions are important in stories , but they can also be boring. Here’s why: if you tell a reader that a character is running away from a pack of wolves, they can picture that character running away from wolves – which is nice and all… but it’s boring. It doesn’t tell them anything other than what the characters are doing. However, when you use dialogue, this is how you would describe the same event:

Conclusion of this article:

I know this article was a little long, but I had to include all kinds of information in here if I wanted to give a good amount of tips. Hopefully by now you have learned that descriptive investigation is very important when it comes to writing. Not only is it one of the ways you can help move your story forward, but it also gives more life to the characters and events that are taking place in your story. (Just make sure not to overdo it!)

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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