

The fear of approaching something new, the fear of taking risks, and the fear of trying to improve your life are all typically seen as symptoms of ANXIETY like inky johnson quotes. A second opinion on this topic states that ANXIETY is just a conscious decision to have a low-standard life. This blog post discusses possible solutions for overcoming this mental disorder and actually achieving happiness…

Anxiety is characterized by feelings like worry, dread, and being out of control. The effects can range from mild anxiety to severe anxiety disorders — which can lead to serious physical health problems like diabetes or heart disease in extreme cases. In some people, it’s a temporary state that only lasts for short time periods.

1. Distraction

Everyone gets nervous before a test, interview, or important event. But if you’re suffering with anxiety on a regular basis, you can learn how to control those anxious feelings. The first thing to do is distract yourself: do something quiet, calm and soothing. It’s simple… if you’re feeling anxious, think about something else. It doesn’t always work, but it’s a simple and easy way to reduce your anxiety for a short time. You can also use this technique to distract yourself from a particularly negative thought and to mentally “reset”.

2. Breathe

Breathing exercises are extremely effective in reducing anxiety. They are simple and easy to do and are most effective when done regularly. If you feel anxious, just slow down your breathing for 2-3 minutes. Taking deep breaths is another simple way to reduce anxiety. Both breathing deeply and forcing yourself to slow down your breathing can result in feelings of calmness and relaxation.

3. Plan a “Happy Moment”

Planning an appointment to do a fun activity will actually help you enjoy it more. You’ll be excited to go, and a lot less stressed, because you’ve already looked forward to it. Think of an activity or event that you know will make you happy, and write it down on a list. Carry the list with you so that if you’re feeling anxious, you can think about the activities that will make you happy and take your mind off of your worries.

4. Focus on Something Else

Anxiety and depression have a lot of overlapping symptoms, but anxiety can be treated as separate from depression. If you’re feeling anxious, focus on something different. If anxiety is causing productivity issues, then get productive instead of letting it consume your thoughts. Take care of other tasks around the house and focus on work so that when anxiety does strike again, it won’t be as bad because you were getting something done instead of sitting around thinking about how anxious you felt.

5. Stretch

Stretching can be a great way to ease stress and relax. Stretching your entire body, or just your legs or arms, can reduce feelings of tension and calm you. You can do this by yourself or with a partner. If your anxiety is directly causing physical discomfort, then stretch to alleviate that tension. Again, this is only a temporary solution, but it can help you feel more relaxed and calm if your muscles are tense from stress or if you’re feeling too much adrenaline.

6. Stay Away from Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol and drugs can make your anxiety worse, so if you’re feeling anxious, stay away from both substances. Alcohol and drugs often serve as a comfort or distraction when you’re having trouble dealing with anxiety, but they rarely work as effective long-term solutions. If you’re self-medicating your anxiety with drugs or alcohol… stop. These substances can numb anxiety for a short time but they aren’t healthy ways of coping with stress and they won’t solve the underlying issue causing the anxiety in the first place.

7. Write Down Your Thoughts

A better way to deal with anxiety is to actually write down your thoughts so that you can have a tangible object to focus on and concentrate on. Write down what’s causing your anxious thoughts on a piece of paper and examine each one individually. Figure out what would make you happier and then focus on those things in your life that are making you happy, rather than focusing on what’s causing your anxiety.

8. Employ Positive Thinking

When you’re feeling anxious, try to focus on the good things that are going in your life, even if they’re only a small amount of positive experiences. Think about everything that you’re grateful for and how much you enjoy each and every moment of your life. This will help to alleviate some of the anxious feelings because there’s nothing greater than being happy! 🙂


Sometimes anxiety is a sign that you’re feeling anxious about a particular thing. If this is the case, don’t stress about it! It’s okay to feel anxious in certain situations, but most of the time it’s only temporary and you can look to positive coping methods for relief. ANXIETY can be very powerful and it needs to be controlled so that others aren’t negatively affected by our feelings of fear and worry.

Go out there and conquer your fears!

Aaron Finch

There are many labels that could be given to describe me, but one thing’s for certain: I am an entrepreneur with passion. Whether it's building websites and social media campaigns for new businesses or traveling the world on business trips - being entrepreneurs means constantly looking at yourself in a different light so as not get bored of your own success!

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