Liquid chlorophyll seems to be the new hype in town and it can work true wonders. For example, they say to stop cancer growth and to have anti-ageing properties. When it does have anti-ageing properties from the inside, there certainly must be more chlorophyll benefits for your skin. And there are! In fact, chlorophyll can help nourish your skin. To get even more chlorophyll benefits, you may want to check out


What is Liquid Chlorophyll Anyway?

Liquid chlorophyll contains pure chlorophyll as you’d find it in plants. As you remember from biology lessons back in school, plants contain chlorophyll. The chlorophyll absorbs sunlight for them which it then converts into energy for plants to grow and nourish. It’s also the chlorophyll that makes the plants green or rather their leaves. 

While you can potentially get chlorophyll from eating all your greenies, such as kale, parsley, green beans, swiss chard and all other green goodies. You may also get chlorophyll benefits from chlorella, which they say contain the highest amounts of chlorophyll. Only are they at 4%. That’s not very much, is it? When it comes to eating greenies, most of the chlorophyll will already be gone before it’s on your plate. In some cases, it loses nutrition due to cooking. Hence, you don’t actually get a lot of chlorophyll benefits from simply eating it. 

To make liquid chlorophyll, they extract chlorophyll directly from plants. As it’s rather unstable on its own, it’s bound to sodium copper. This compound makes it water-soluble so you can use chlorophyll for all sorts of benefits either to take it orally or apply it on skin.

The Good Stuff in Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll contains a number of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and iron, but also Vitamin A, C, E and K. It’s a unique compound already anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial. This is all the good stuff your skin needs for perfect nourishment. And also a reason why chlorophyll is contained in ointments for the skin or cosmetic mask treatments. 


Chlorophyll Benefits for Acne

A lot of antibacterial soaps or anti-blemish products contain chlorophyll for its antibacterial properties. These properties have the advantage of making your skin anything but a hospitable area for germs. For example, pimples are nothing but dead skin with oil and bacteria. If applied directly on a breakout those won’t stand a chance on your skin. Additionally, chlorophyll contains a high amount of antioxidants that clean your blood. In turn, this stops breakouts in the track if you’re taking liquid chlorophyll orally.

Chlorophyll Benefits for Wounds

It may not just be the cut, but also a sunburn that can be alleviated with the help of chlorophyll. Doctors already realised the wound healing properties of chlorophyll during the 1940s and that’s why it’s still contained in prescription drugs to heal wounds. Under normal circumstances, a wound doesn’t simply get infected. An infection only occurs if bacteria enter your wound, namely Candida albicans. With just some chlorophyll infections can’t occur and your wounds heal much better.


Chlorophyll Benefits for Wrinkles

No one can avoid wrinkles, they will inevitably appear on your skin the older you get. Of course, we all want to stay young forever and wrinkles not to give our age away. Wrinkles occur as your skin loses elasticity over time. They show whether you’ve had a lot to smile about or if you had to go through quite a few patches of grief. But that’s life, with all its good sides and those we prefer to forget about. Another reason for wrinkles to turn up is because of sun damage to your skin. 

Either way, wrinkles are unsightly. And fortunately, chlorophyll can reduce wrinkles. Here’s why: you remember that chlorophyll absorbs sunlight, right? On top of it, antioxidants protect from harmful UV rays. Chlorophyll doesn’t only absorb sunlight but also makes your skin more resilient thanks to its antioxidants. However, it doesn’t replace sunscreen. 

Chlorophyll Benefits for a Young Appearance

You may have thought we just covered that one with reducing wrinkles, but there’s actually a bit more to it. For your skin to retain its youthful appearance, it requires Vitamins A, C, E and K and chlorophyll contains all of them. You will get rejuvenated without having to use a bunch of other vitamins separately.

Chlorophyll Benefits for Your Cells

Last, but not least, here’s the ultimate kicker why chlorophyll is so good for your skin. We mentioned in the beginning that it contains magnesium. Magnesium plays a vital role to transport oxygen to your tissue cells. Moreover, Vitamin C needs magnesium to be completely metabolised while Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for your skin. 

Additionally, red skin or also itchiness of your skin is connected to low magnesium levels in your body. At the same time, dry skin tends to be caused by high levels of fatty acids due to low magnesium levels.  Chlorophyll can even these two points out with just one go. 


How to Get All the Chlorophyll Benefits for Your Skin

Beauty comes from the inside and this certainly also applies to liquid chlorophyll. As a liquid, it’s bright green in colour which can look a little unpleasant if you add it to water. However, adding liquid chlorophyll to water is the preferred method. You can sip it throughout the day and it does actually not taste as bad as it looks. If you’d like to add a bit more of a pleasant taste contrary to its appearance you can add a few drops to a nice smoothie. 

Of course, you can also use liquid chlorophyll directly on your skin. Keep pimples and new acne breakouts at bay by applying a drop directly onto the affected area. The same goes for wounds as a first-aid measurement to clean them and promote their healing. If you’re preparing your own cosmetic masks, add some chlorophyll to clean your sin and provide it with valuable nutrients.


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