There is nothing quite like laughing at someone else’s woe. Laughing at the person makes it easier to swallow your own problems, especially when you’re struggling to find a new job and your current one is pretty much killing you. The truth hurts, after all — no one wants to admit that their job sucks. So instead of admitting it, many people laugh about the jovial subject matter of other people’s struggles with their jobs — everything from sexless marriages, being stuck in a dead-end career field (zumiez interview questions) or not being paid enough money can be made hilariously funny if we apply just a bit more laughter than sadness.

9 reasons that other people could laugh at your job are:

1. You’re in an unsatisfying sexless relationship

Unfortunately, sex sells. People want to believe that having it all — the career and the fame, the money and the job security — eventually leads to having a great sex life. As long as you are working your way up to grab the gold ring of success, you’ll be able to get whatever man or woman that you want. As soon as you reach for one of those things, however, another one will always seem just out of your reach. This means that even if we get what we want, it still will not be enough.

2. Someone else died

A lot of the time this comes with the territory of a stressful job. But even when it’s not work-related, sad news always seems to make things funny. The fact that other people have lost their spouse, child or friend is one thing to make us think about them and be upset when we hear about it. But seeing it on a weekly basis just makes us laugh at how tragic life can be — especially the lives in our own industry that are so crazily competitive they keep us up at night. 

3. Someone else got fired

There is perhaps nothing that makes us feel more secure than watching an office be unstaffed. No matter how bad it may seem when you run into layoffs at your own place of work, the truth is that there are tons of people out there waiting to take your position. Knowing that fact will make things seem a lot more tolerable when it happens to you. Once again, this is something that fortunately comes with the territory — but it’s also inherently a part of business and one that we all have to watch out for.

4. A boss wants to sleep with you

“Oh, we’ve never had a problem with workplace romance before. That’s not why I got laid off.” Okay, that may be true. But it’s also true that sleeping with your boss could save your job — or at least make you feel a tad more secure. The thing is, even if you’re not actively scared that you’re going to get laid off because of it, the possibility will always be lingering in the background. That fact makes things a lot funnier when we think about other people’s jobs who are unsure if they’re getting promoted or fired due to their relationship status with the higher-ups.

5. You work with someone who is always late

No matter your job, it’s difficult to top the fact that you have to wait on someone who is always late. Whether it’s a client, your own boss or just some schlub who can’t make it to work on time and shows up hours later than usual, being stuck waiting with them more often than not will make you laugh. No matter how much progress you think we’ve made as a society in terms of getting people out of their vehicles and off the street, there are still those people out there who hate coming in on time — even if they’re only 10 minutes late. And since it’s always funny when people don’t show up, we laugh at them.

6. Your boss is a jerk

The fact that there are people out there who are truly awful bosses is one of the biggest occupational hazards in the world. That’s why we laugh about the ones that exist — because there’s nothing more tragic than to be treated like crap by someone who thinks he or she can run your life and set your career path for you. Even if you don’t work for your boss directly, you’ll definitely end up at their beck and call when the company needs something done in a hurry. You’ll be in charge of it, whether you like it or not.

7. Your boss has no idea what he/she is doing

One of the biggest occupational hazards  in the world is the fact that bosses have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. This means that employees are always left wondering if they’re being tricked by someone who is not only incompetent but also a liar as well. When your boss can’t seem to get anything together and fails to cooperate with computer networks and other electronic devices, you’ll find yourself chuckling at how clueless your boss actually is. And once again, this one is more prevalent than you think — especially when you consider that most people have bosses who can’t use a computer.

8. A client wants to sleep with you

Good-looking people do tend to get hired by companies and tasked with the job of “impressing” their bosses — or, in some cases, their clients. This means that there are lots of people out there who are able to grab the attention of their bosses through telling people that they’re hot for them. But that’s actually something that every employee in an office has done before. It’s not as if you’re going to get a raise if someone tells your boss that he or she has a thing for them — but it will surely make things feel a lot better when you are trying to work on your own career.

9. Your boss hits on you

There are many reasons to be mad at your boss. But even when you’re not feeling positive towards them, no one wants to be hit on by him or her. There’s nothing more annoying than having someone who is supposed to be your superior walk straight up to you and start flirting with you like it’s a normal thing. And the fact that this happens more often than not is proof that the world has gone crazy.


These are funny things that happen to you at work. They’re not necessarily the most stressful things in the world, but they’re still things that you may not want to happen. They’re funny — but, unfortunately, not all of them are really funny. There are a lot of people out there who have had worse things happen to them — especially if they work in law enforcement or any other job where they might get shot at every day. But even when we laugh about these tales of workplace horror, we shouldn’t laugh too hard or it will ruin the whole idea for us.


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