For much of the world, the fossil fuels that power our lives are becoming scarcer and more expensive. It’s time for a change in energy use. Renewable sources of greenwave energy reviews like solar and wind will help conserve dwindling resources — and you can save money at the same time by switching to renewable sources! Let us show you how…

1. Solar Energy

 Solar power is a great way to get renewable energy. The sun provides free energy in the form of sunlight throughout the day, and you can use this to heat your home or generate electricity. Solar panels are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, so if you decide that solar is for you, there are plenty of opportunities for investing in it. Advantages: Simple to install, very reliable, free when available. Drawbacks: Complicated upfront investment risk. But the low upfront cost will be offset by less maintenance costs in the long term because there are no moving parts! 

2. Wind Energy

Wind energy produces electricity with a combination of windmills and turbines. The windmills spin around and the turbine connected to them spins as well, producing electricity. Large wind farms can earn you a lot of money, even if you only invest in a small number of turbines. Advantages: Wind energy is free once installed, little maintenance required. Drawbacks: Complex upfront investment risk. The up-front cost is usually large and the return can take a long time to pay off – but once installed, it’s free!

3. Tide Energy

Tide energy harnesses the power of the tides to generate electricity through turbines and generators. Simple tidal power is a low cost way to harvest renewable energy on a smaller scale than wind or solar. This is great for small homes or businesses that need a reliable source of electricity. Advantages: Reliable, always available Drawbacks: Upfront cost can be higher

4. Hydro Power

A dam works to divert the natural flow of a river and store it behind the dam. This creates pressure in the reservoir and can be used to run turbines to generate electricity. There are many dams already built, and new dams create new opportunities for creating hydro power in an environmentally friendly way. Advantages: Dams already exist, so no huge up-front costs required for construction scale Drawbacks: Limited number of opportunities

5. Tidal Hydropower

This is a bit more complicated, but it works like this: the flow of a river exposes the seabed when the tide rises, and then withdraws again with the ebb tide. This creates areas of low and high pressure. The lower pressure is used to generate electricity through turbines and generators. Advantages: Tidal power generation systems can be attached to existing hydroelectric generating plants which already have dams to trap water. Drawbacks: Upfront costs can be costly, especially if you have to build a new dam – which can cost billions!

6. Wind-Cell Energy 

These wind-cells are already used in Japan and Europe. They work by trapping natural wind from the atmosphere in a chamber, generating electricity through turbines and generators. Advantages: Free energy source, no need for sun or winds to charge it. Drawbacks: Size of the cell array needed is huge

7. Micro Wind Turbines 

These turbines can be mounted on your roof or on a wall of your home or business. They are used to generate electricity for individual homes or small businesses – as much as you need! Advantages: Very small and easy to install, low maintenance needed Disadvantages: Small systems produce limited energy

8. Etching for Solar Panels

Solar panels are made of silicon, a semiconductor. The most popular way of manufacturing solar panels is to etch this semiconductor. You can make money by renting your roof out to solar panel manufacturers. The process uses very little electricity and the etching agent is cheap – so this can be a profitable arrangement for both you and the solar panel manufacturer! Advantages: Save money on your electric bill! Disadvantages: None!

9. Invest in Renewable Energy Startups

You can invest in renewable energy companies and technologies that are trying to invent more advanced renewable energy sources, or develop better ways to store renewable energy until it’s needed… so you can profit from a rise in natural gas prices or rising interest rates. The number of companies that can develop and deploy more efficient, less expensive solar and wind technologies is only limited by the imagination. Advantages: Investments will earn you a return on investment, at least enough to cover your initial costs! Drawbacks: Can be risky

10. Buy Solar Panels

You can buy solar panels outright or lease them for a certain length of time to generate electricity for yourself. You can also invest in companies that manufacture them – selling their product to people like you who want to generate their own electricity with renewable energy sources. Advantages: Save money on your electric bill! Drawbacks: None!


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