How old is Brent?

This question has many different answers depending on which biological function you are looking at. As a general rule, if one of his biological functions begins to decline, then he can be considered to be the corresponding age in human years. For example, when his stomach acid production began to decrease it could indicate that he was around 50-60 years old. — *”How old is brent?” This question has many different answers depending on which biological function you are looking at.

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*As a general rule, if one of his biological functions begins to decline, then he can be considered to be the corresponding age in human years. For example, when his stomach acid production began to decrease it could indicate that he was around 50-60 years old. Again this would only work for certain functions and not all.”

** The truth is that we have no idea how old brent the turtle really is. Our best guess would be around 20 years, but it could also be as much as 30 years or more! The reason for this uncertainty has to do with one of those pesky rules: turtles don’t keep time well when they are in cold climates – and Seymour’s Pond doesn’t get very warm during the winter months. This means that there will always be a bit of mystery surrounding his age here on out, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We may not know exactly how old he is now, but we’re pretty certain about other things like what kind of turtle he happens to be (slider), where he lives (Seymour’s


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