Some people seem to think you can’t make rules about wallpaper, but…

Wallpaper like iphone xs ashes of the singularity wallpaper is such a basic, important part of interior design. And as any designer worth their salt will tell you, there are rules that must be followed when using wallpaper, or else the space will end up looking far from stylish. So we’ve created this list of nine ridiculous rules about wallpaper that designers insist on following.

What do you think? Got any more tips to add?

1)  Remember everything about patterns.

When deciding whether or not to use a patterned paper as your base layer on top of the drywall and before painting: remember that patterns usually only work well in rooms with light colors and lighter tones (such as white). And make sure that the paper you choose blends well with other patterns in the room. If your patterns are all over the place, it’ll end up looking like too much.

2) Go with a bolder color.

Use bold colors when decorating with wallpaper: they draw the eye and create visual interest. When selecting the base color of your wall or ceiling, you can use this rule to help you decide what to do: pick a solid color that matches up well with the pattern you want on top of it. This will ensure that your wallpaper has visual impact without clashing or competing.

3) Try to get the pattern to blend in, too.

If you’re going to use a pattern, try and make sure that the pattern also blends in with your decor. You don’t have to have a solid background color all over: it’s okay to have a small amount of the base color showing through. That way you can still see some of the pattern without making it look like there’s too much going on all at once.

4) Avoid using small patterns such as zig zags, chevrons or skinny stripes.

These small patterns look great when used as accents on small sketches of furniture or wallpaper valances but not so great when applied in large numbers as your main wallpaper design. They’ll look too busy and compete with the rest of the colors in the room.

5) Find a place for everything.

Depending on how you style your space, it’s usually a good idea to find a place for everything. This way you’ll make sure you don’t end up with too many patterned objects lying around, which can end up looking like a really bad disaster. Try putting all of your patterns into different corners of the room so that there’s one dominant pattern present at all times.

6) Have one accent color as an underlayer or as something to pop out against the background.

You don’t have to use the same exact colors for your background pattern as for the rest of your room. You can get creative and have one color in the pattern pop out more. Use different colors, or a darker version of your background pattern to make it stand out.

7) Mix it up.

Remember that patterns can be mixed and matched, too. You don’t have to stick with one particular type of pattern throughout the entire room: instead you can put different patterns in different areas of the room to keep things from looking too empty or boring. Just remember that you shouldn’t overload yourself with all sorts of patterns, either: try and keep it simple and focus on using just a couple at a time.

8) Enjoy the space you have.

This rule is a fun one: don’t be afraid to have fun with patterns. Have some fun with it and think outside of the box, especially if you really like a particular type of pattern or wallpaper that was previously considered “too much” in your home. Your favorite patterns will still work if you mix them with well-designed furniture or pieces of art that are lacking in the pattern department. And who knows? You could end up looking like a genius for doing so!

9) Don’t worry about wallpaper at all…

If you really don’t want to. Don’t feel like you have to use wallpaper as a base layer for your paint color or as your main design element in the room. If you’re not into the design, just don’t do it! You can always hang up a few framed prints or family photographs instead or use a good quality paint color and wall decals to achieve a similar effect.

Conclusion of this article:

The rules mentioned here were not all made in the spirit of fun and games. We don’t want to create a wallpapering war. We only wanted to get out there and say that wallpaper can be a really amazing part of any room and “rules” really shouldn’t apply to it.

And wallpaper is not paper or fabric as some people think, but it can be an important element in designing your home.


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