I know you’re hurting, and I’m sorry. You don’t have to say a word; I understand. It’s hard to break up with someone who was important in your life, but it has to be done. This blog post will explore how breaking up is like getting hurt physically and emotionally.

In the first paragraph, share a personal story about breaking up.

In the second and third paragraphs, explore what it’s like to break up with someone you love in three different ways:


Pbroken bones,


man, woman, composing @ Pixabay

I remember when I broke my arm at age 16. It was during high school football season so there were no practices or games for me that entire season while I healed from surgery on my elbow where they inserted two metal plates to try and fix some of the damage done by being tackled.

Breaking Up Is Like Getting Hurt Emotionally And Physically __ “It always hurts if something is cut off” says Gary Turetsky in his article What The Body Knows.


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