Christine is getting ready for her wedding day, but she’s feeling a little nervous. She had planned to have the perfect wedding, and now Aaron has gone missing! Will Christine find him in time? And what will happen if she doesn’t? Find out in this gripping story about love and betrayal. Bridezilla Christine and Aaron – Where are they now?

wedding, marriage, husband @ Pixabay

‘I had planned to have the perfect wedding, and now Aaron has gone missing! Will I find him in time?’ Christine asked herself frantically. She turned her head from side to try and see if she could spot his retreating figure anywhere. No luck. It was almost dark outside so it would be a challenge finding him on foot before nightfall set in.’Is he really worth all this effort?’ she thought miserably as tears welled up in her eyes again. ‘He’s not even here!’ Just then, her phone rang, once more interrupting the silence of the house with its shrill ringtone.


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