The vitamin which could lead to bleeding tendencies is Vitamin K .

Vitamin K has been found to be a vital component in blood clotting, and low intake of this Vitamin leads to bleeding more easily. Vitamin K is needed for the body to produce proteins called prothrombin, thrombin, and fibrinogen – the three main proteins involved in the blood clotting process . If these proteins are not present then you will bleed more easily because these proteins are needed by a number of other body organs.

A client who has bleeding tendencies has a deficiency in which vitamin? 

The answer is vitamin K.

Symptoms of Vitamin K deficiency :

1. Nosebleeds

2. Bleeding gums or excessive bleeding when you brush your teeth or undergo dental work

3. Bleeding from internal organs , like the intestines, stomach, uterus, and bladder

4. Large bruises that appear suddenly and are slow to clear up even after two weeks have passed. They do not disappear on their own which is a sign of uncontrolled blood circulation in small blood vessels. This can lead to ulcers that fail to heal .

Effects of Vitamin K deficiency :

1. Internal bleeding- nosebleeds, bloody feces, blood in urine and stools

2. Intolerance to stress

3. Poor wound healing

4. Heart disease – buildup of plaque in your blood vessels that cause heart attacks or strokes 

5. Brain diseases – memory loss or dementia , deficiency of Vitamin K 1 can lead to bleeding into the brain which can cause these symptoms . A study also found that low levels of Vitamin K was associated with Alzheimer’s disease .

6. Bone diseases – poor bone mineralisation and increased risk of fractures . 

7. Increased risk for cancer .

How to cure Vitamin K deficiency ?

1. Eat foods rich in Vitamin K .

2. Supplements can be taken to improve the Vitamin K level in the body .

3. Fruits and vegetables contain lesser amounts of Vitamin K compared to animal based products containing higher levels of this vitamin . So it is important to get a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. 

4. Too much Vitamin A can lead to bleeding , so it is important to be careful about your intake of this vitamin as well .

5. It’s very important to know what foods contain this vitamin so that you can plan your meals accordingly.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in the production of prothrombin and other thromboplastins, necessary for synthesis of clotting factors, as well as some glycoproteins. It has been known for more than a century that vitamin K1 deficiency leads to haemorrhages . 

Vitamin K is found in plant foods such as green leafy vegetables and dark green leafy vegetables, and in animal foods including liver , cheese , butter , egg yolk and fermented soya products .

Deficiency of different vitamins leading to different problems :

1. Vitamin A:

This Vitamin is known to lead to night blindness, which can be corrected by taking Vitamin A.

2. Vitamin D:

Deficiency of vitamin D leads to bone diseases, and there are several studies which show that deficiency of this vitamin can lead to various health problems, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease mortality.

3. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, there are some people who have this vitamin deficiency and this leads to higher chances of developing cancer, such as breast cancer. Deficiency of vitamin E can also lead to depression.

4. Vitamin C:

Deficiency of this vitamin leads to cataract and other eye problems, which can be prevented by taking Vitamins A and E. There are some studies on animals that show that deficiency of Vitamin C lead to hyperhomocysteinemia, which is very high levels of homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine in blood causes heart diseases and is a risk factor for stroke.

5. Vitamin B:

This vitamin is known to prevent nervous system degeneration, especially when there is deficiency of thiamin, or Vitamin B 1. This leads to confusion, memory loss and possible Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. 

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome can lead to damage in parts of the brain that results in severe mental disturbances such as muscle coordination problems and confabulation. It can also result in a form of permanent amnesia, in which there are problems with forming new memories.

6. Vitamin B 6 :

Deficiency of this vitamin can result in pneumonia and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. When there is deficiency in this vitamin, especially with that of thiamin, more problems can be seen in the nervous system, leading to memory loss and confusion. With an excess of this vitamin, it can lead to peripheral neuropathy and a very rare disease called Leber’s disease.


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