What is estar contigo job gonzalez lyrics?

Did you think you knew Spanish? Well, not quite. Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics is a song by American Latin singer Ozuna that was released on December 5th of 2018. The song isn’t included in the track list of his album Isla Azul or the 2019 El Amante Mixtape. The song and its lyrics are entirely in Spanish with an English translation available, which helps us to decipher how all four parts of this love inducing, break-up avoiding rap are put together. Please note that these lyrics are also in Spanish and no translation is available. It’s up to you to figure out how the song goes as it’s not explained in English.

Estar contigo job gonzalez lyrics meaning:

In case you’re wondering, the words of the song Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics mean ” To be with you, Job Gonzalez “. The words of the chorus (“Madre mía, que rico es tu amor! “) are a reference to a famous quote from Avicii (born Rasmus William Berge): “So damn good”. The lack of punctuation makes this song difficult to understand. It is actually unclear whether the chorus, including the title of the song, is one sentence or two. Either way, if you are looking for a way to spend your free time, wondering about what each of the Spanish phrases mean in Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics will be a good fit. You’ll need to know how the phrase’s pronunciation is done if you want to be able to understand what’s really going on in the song.

What’s so great about Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics?

Estar contigo job gonzalez lyrics meaning innuendo and double meaning: Perhaps it was meant as a joke, but the song title makes use of language that can be interpreted in different ways. For example, the song could be called “Madre Mia! Que Rico Es Tu Amor” or “Madre Mia! Que Rico Es Tu Amkiro”. It’s hard to tell if this was the intention, but since no such reading ever appeared in any article on the web, we’re assuming it wasn’t. For now. Perhaps someone should comment below with their idea of what this song is really about. Maybe you will get lucky and your comment will be published on our website.

Latin music:

Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics artists on Spotify: The song has been listened to 1,500 times and is ranked in position 81 as of April 2019.

Latin musicians:

J Balvin: This famous reggaeton singer himself provides the featured vocals in this song. He was born William Omar Landázuri Albarrán on September 23rd, 1989 in Medellín, Colombia. He has also collaborated with Cardi B and Bad Bunny.

Gloria Trevi: This is a legendary singer from Mexico who’s known for her unique style of music. Her name is Gloria Guadalupe Treviño Laureano and she was born on November 3rd, 1966 in Monterrey, México. She’s collaborated with many other big Latin musicians, including Alejandra Guzman, Christina Aguilera and CNCO.

Quique Neira: This young Colombian musician has worked with a large number of other prominent Latin artists but he enjoys a lot of popularity for his work with J Balvin. His name is Quiquené Neira Martinez and he was born on July 2nd, 1994 in Cali. He is also known as “El Titiritero”.

Estar contigo job gonzalez lyrics translations: We don’t recommend trying to make sense of the English sentences translated into Spanish since they have been written by random people online and are not verified by the song’s official translator(s). If you still want to try, the following translation: “To be with you, Job Gonzalez” may help you.

What is the purpose?

Is the purpose of this song to get you to fall in love? If so, we hope you’re ready for the challenge. There are a lot of unanswered questions here. What’s the topic of the song? Why is it being sung (or rapped) by a Colombian singer named J Balvin and by a Spanish artist called Ozuna? Will any girl ever fall in love with this track and its catchy chorus? There are no other Latin artists featured in Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics besides J Balvin, who even features as only an additional vocalist on most songs. This could make it seem like it’s just another music video that came out one day.

Why was it written?

The song was definitely produced and recorded in order to make money. The lyrics are randomly put together from different songs that were all written and recorded with the intention of making the listener want to dance, listen and perhaps fall in love. This song is unfit for any other purpose.

Who wrote the song?

We can’t be sure, but Estar Contigo Job Gonzalez Lyrics was either written or co-written by a professional music producer or a professional singer/songwriter. It’s very likely that it was written by someone working at an advertising agency who were aiming for a catchy, catchy tune to sell products (such as alcoholic beverages).


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