Americans eat more than 1,500 calories a day on average. That’s more than needed for weight gain or maintenance and includes junk food with high-calorie content. Obesity rates have been increasing steadily in the United States, and it has a significant impact on our economy; obesity contributes to increased healthcare costs by consuming more medical resources. Usf health food trucks are a new way to fight the obesity epidemic through education. Healthy eating is usually associated with fruits, vegetables and lean meats. The key to successful dieting is not in the fruit, vegetable or lean meats you choose, but in the resulting calorie deficit; calories that are consumed less than those burned. 

Healthy food doesn’t necessarily lead to successful weight loss unless accompanied by a reduction in calories consumed or activity level. Obesity is not just a health issue, however; it also affects how Americans live physically as well as psychologically. If we continue at this rate, many of our physical problems such as diabetes will become chronic conditions. In other words, we may have to live permanently with disabilities that could have been prevented if we started eating healthier now.

How Healthy Food Is Still Relevant?

1. It can have a positive impact on your health.

The great majority of the current obesity statistics, which include more than 1.5 million diagnosed cases, are directly linked to the Standard American Diet (SAD) and lifestyle, which includes lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco and alcohol consumption and lack of sleep. Many people believe that there is no need to worry about eating healthy since it doesn’t make them lose weight; however if we do not make an effort to eat healthy foods, we might be living with diseases and disabilities later in life.

2. It strengthens one’s immunity towards diseases.

Obesity is linked to chronic diseases such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and can impair one’s immune system. A strong immune system is important in fighting against common infections as well as diseases. Studies have shown that obese children had lower levels of antibodies and lower immunoglobulin levels than non-obese children.

3. It slows the aging process.

A healthy diet usually contains healthful carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains; these foods lead to an increase in cellular energy and an increase in metabolism which helps burn fat that accumulates over time. Adequate nutrition is essential for the body to function properly. Aging means that many of the body’s cells are damaged, and this has a negative effect on health. When nutrition is adequate, cells are repaired or replaced which helps in slowing the aging process.

4. It distinguishes one as a good and reliable provider.

Many Americans like eating junk food; unfortunately, they also like being overweight and obese as much as they like their fast food favorites! It seems that many people prefer being unhealthy rather than making an effort to eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables, which are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals. 

Many parents do not take the time to teach their children about healthy food regardless of how big a role fruits and vegetables play in preventing disease and strengthening immunity. This means that if Americans continue to eat unhealthy foods, they are sending distorted messages to their children who may prefer being obese rather than eating healthy.

5. It helps in preventing health related problems.

Obesity rates are increasing steadily in the United States, and the rise has had a significant impact on our economy due to the increased healthcare costs resulting from obesity related illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The cost of obesity in the US is estimated to be more than $147 billion a year. The media plays a big role in the obesity epidemic by not reporting on how healthy food can prevent disease and slow the aging process. 

On the contrary, they often publicize how fast foods are cheap and quick while downplaying their negative impacts such as increased calorie intake and weight gain. Fortunately, there are organizations such as Usf Health food trucks who help fight against this epidemic through educating people about why eating healthy foods is relevant even if it doesn’t make you lose weight!

6. It helps you feel better about yourself.

If you are overweight, it may negatively influence your feelings about yourself and your image. Many people who are overweight feel uncomfortable going to the beach or a swimming pool because they feel that they aren’t good enough. Overweight people are often bullied in school, and obesity has a negative impact on their self esteem because they start believing that they need to lose weight before anyone likes them. Fortunately, healthy food helps in restoring self-confidence since the body is stronger and more resistant to diseases which improves one’s quality of life.


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