Phong tran is a popular street food of Vietnam that is often prepared in a variety of ways. The most common one I’ve eaten is phong tran in pho. Phong tran is a kind of grilled chicken, usually accompanied with a spicy, sour sauce, usually made with fish. In this recipe, I prepare it on a griddle with a little water to create a little crunch, and then add a little more water to make it a bit thicker.

The original version of phong tran was created by the Vietnamese people for the Vietnamese people. They would make it and eat it with a special sauce they called “phong tran.” It just so happened that the Vietnamese got the idea of making a sauce that would have a little kick to it from the spicy sauce.

The main goal of phong tran is to make a sauce that is thicker, crispy and more flavorful than the typical Vietnamese sauce. It is the perfect sauce for Vietnamese people. If you think about it, you will most probably just have to throw some phong tran around for your guests.

In the end, phong tran is a new flavor in Vietnamese cuisine—phong tran, or phong tran in Vietnamese, is one of the most influential flavors in Vietnamese cuisine. Phong tran is definitely one of the things I like—the flavor of the sauce, and the way it is chopped into pieces to make a sauce that is thicker, crispy, and more flavorful.

phong tran is a Vietnamese-style chile pepper, which is used to make different sauces in different recipes. Sometimes phong tran is used to make a sauce that is thicker, sometimes a thinner sauce. Although the sauce is a whole new flavor with a completely different taste, the recipe is still very much the same.

Phong tran is basically a chile pepper in a shell. The shells are used to make a sauce that is thicker but also has a different taste that is mostly spicy. You can find it all over Vietnam and is used in a variety of dishes.

I don’t know how you feel about phong tran, but I sure as hell don’t think it’s a bad idea to use it if you can. The sauce is very thick and there are lots of ingredients. It is generally considered a good sauce if you use it from a store. Even if you are making a phong tran recipe from scratch, you should know what you are doing and use a lot of ingredients and ingredients you know what they are.

I dont think I have any complaints about phong tran as a soup, but I do have to say that I find the ingredients to be a little lacking. I like the taste of the sauce, but I feel like the spices used are a tad overpowering. Some of the spices you could find in the average food store are used in the tran with even more.

I can say that phong tran is more flavorful than most of the other tran recipes on the market, but I do have to say that the recipes are still somewhat bland. The sauce is almost as good as the meat, but that doesn’t mean that the sauce is actually too good.

I thought it was a bit bland. The sauce was a bit too thick, and the spices weren’t as strong. The meat was a bit overcooked, but the sauce was a bit over-spiced and the fish was tough. If you like your food spicy then you might need to find a different recipe to try out.


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