I’ve been unemployed for a few months now, so I thought I’d share some of the stories that come into my inbox.

I was at a bar last night with a friend who is working in the same area as I am. We had a few beers, and her phone rang. It was a customer, asking for the bar. When we came out to retrieve our drinks, she said she was a little disappointed that we didn’t have a computer in the bar.

The computer was over there. It was a wireless one, but it’s not like it was a computer. It was a bar, a bar with a computer.

It’s funny how quickly you get to the point of no return, and the point of no return (to me) is the same as the point of no return in the story I mentioned yesterday. That point of no return is the point of no return we all reach, when we don’t know how we can change things. You’ve got to know where it is, you’ve got to do something about it, and you’ve got to stop it.

It is the point of no return for your job, of course. And unemployment news today is just as sad as the story that follows it. The U.S. economy is struggling at the moment and the unemployment rate is hovering at 15 percent, which is the third highest in the world. The U.S. jobs market is now in a recession, which is probably a good thing.

That’s not all though. We get another hint of just how bad things are when a small number of people in the news today are talking about how difficult it’s going to be for Americans to find jobs. As The Atlantic reports, the unemployment rate is now at 18 percent. Some of the news today is a little bit alarming, like how many people are unemployed, but the bigger picture is that we are now in a recession, which means that the unemployment rate is going to rise.

That’s one of the reasons why the unemployment rate is so high, though. The recession is going to push up the demand for labor, which means that the number of jobless people will go up. That’s why the unemployment rate is so high. This doesn’t mean that we are going to see a decrease in jobs, but the recession gives us a good starting point for considering how many jobs we will be creating.

There is a good chance that we are going to see an increase in the number of jobs created because of this economy. It is not a sure thing, but we should be keeping an eye on the situation and keeping our fingers on the pulse. There are a few more things that I would like to add, though. The unemployment rate is not the only thing that is going to rise. The overall unemployment rate is going to rise because the demand for labor in general has increased.

The job market is not solely responsible for the increase in the unemployment rate, and we can’t blame the rise of the unemployment rate on the job market. The rise in the unemployment rate is due to a number of factors, the biggest of which is the fact that the number of jobs in America has grown significantly. The demand for these jobs has increased and the number of unemployed has increased because we are not creating the jobs because we are too busy creating them.

The unemployment rate is a number that is used as a measure of the number of unemployed people in a given time period. Basically, the unemployment rate is a fraction of the total labor force. A low unemployment rate indicates there are fewer unemployed people than there are job applicants. For example, a low unemployment rate means there are fewer people who want jobs than there are jobs available to them.


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