CBD oil can help with sleep and anxiety, and it has a whole lot of other benefits too. But what is the best way to use it?

We’ve put together an awesome article featuring the best approach to CBD Gummies for sleep for every personality type. Find out which approach might work best for you!
1) The “I’m gonna get my CBD on!” Approach: Who doesn’t want to treat themselves? This approach is most effective if you’re looking for an intense burst of calm that will last throughout the night.

2) The “I like to take my time” Approach: It won’t be as strong as some of the other approaches, but this method will last longer. This is great for those who want some CBD effects throughout the night.

3) The “I’m on a budget! (kidding)” Approach: This method is almost like a slow release capsule, and it’s the gentlest approach. This approach also lasts for a long time – perfect for those looking for something to help them through the night and not wanting to pay an arm and a leg.

4) The “Curative” Approach: This is sort of a middle ground between methods 1 and 2. It’s a great option for those that want a nice, gradual build-up.

5) The “I’m going to take a nap, then do it!” Approach: This is perfect for those that don’t want to get up and down all night to take CBD. Just pop one in before bedtime and get the best rest you’ve had in ages!

6) The “Meh, no big deal” Approach: If you’re tired of the same old thing, this approach is perfect for you. It’s not too intense and it tastes good! This is also an extremely cost-effective way to get your CBD in.

7) The “I don’t wanna!” Approach: When you feel like you’ve tried everything else, this is great for those that just need a kick in the butt to go to bed. In other words, if you’re one of those people who needs a little bit of pressure, this approach might be what the doctor ordered. Just put it under your tongue and relax. You’ll be asleep in no time!

8) The “I’m soooo grooooovy” Approach: If you want super-duper CBD gummies and don’t mind paying a little bit more, then this is for you. Entourage offers a 10mg, 25mg and 50mg option. This is the most potent option available.

9) The “What’s the worst that could happen?” Approach: If you’re someone who likes to push their limits and get a kick out of seeing how CBD affects you, this is great for you! It may not be the most effective at inducing sleep, but it’s an awesome way to experiment with different dosages.

10) The “I’m stressed and need to sleep” Approach: If you’re like most people who suffer from insomnia, then this is perfect for you! You’ll be able to relax and calm down before bedtime with these delicious gummies.

11) The “I’m hungry for something sweet” Approach: This method is great if you’re one of those people who are always hungry at night. Each gummy packs an impressive 50mg of pure CBD, so are sure to get you feeling calm.

12) The “Wanna try something new?” Approach: If you’re looking for something that kicks in quicker than any other method, this is the one for you! This method is better suited to day use.


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