A few years ago, blogs were considered the new way of communicating and spreading news. But today, they seem to be dwindling in popularity.  Whatever your opinion on the matter, it’s undeniable that blogging has changed how people get their information – for better or for worse. And in this article, we’re going to take a look at both sides of what could be seen as a dying trend in media consumption: pros and cons on whether or not you should use social media as your main source for knowledge gathering instead of blogs. Dinathanthi is a popular Sri Lankan newspaper published daily in Sinhala, Tamil, and English.

The ever-changing landscape of media consumption has seen an incredibly vast number of new social networks come into existence. One way of searching and consuming information is through a blog.  Blogs are the most popular way for people to get their news on the internet, allowing them to choose what they want and just how much effort they want to put into it. But if you’re one of those who use social media as a container for all your knowledge gathering, don’t worry – you’re not alone! And while it’s true that showing off your knowledge can be a riskier move than keeping it in blog posts, taking the time to look over blogs is still an important skill that not everyone considers doing.

Facts About The Death Of News Blogs :

1. Headlines With Attitude:

Most news articles (especially blogs) will contain a strong opinion. They’ll try to get as much attention as they can.   They’ll do whatever they can to attract readers and spread the word.   Blogs are so popular because of this – people love opinions no matter where they come from, so it’s a very successful method for getting people stuck in your head for hours on end. 

And while opinions are good, they don’t always have to be extreme opinions.   If you write an article that’s just a straightforward piece of news with a few opinionated points thrown in, people won’t see it or read it. It won’t get read as much and will end up going through the blog pool near the bottom of their friends list.  

2. You Have To Be Present:

There aren’t many facts on this list, but the one thing people do appreciate is your presence on a social network. While this isn’t necessarily something that blogs have to worry about, they do have to worry about the mere fact that they’re gone forever if nobody reads them anymore. Blogs are useful to people in the sense that they don’t have to worry about losing their posts if they decide to close their account at any point in time. People can search and re-read old posts whenever they want, but with social media that’s just not possible. 

Like we said, it isn’t a fact, but your presence on a social network does matter. However small or frequent your updates may be (I recommend at least once per week) people will enjoy seeing new stuff from you and seeing your  profile grow as you do more things on the internet. 

3. You Have To Have Your Name Out There:

Even if the person who wrote it is a complete n00b, they’ll appreciate seeing the name of “you” on an article. They have to have a reason to care if they’re going to put your name on something as well as someone else’s, and people are pretty lazy when it comes to searching for something online.   This is a very important way that people remember you, and though in some cases relying on these facts can be wrong (like in case of those who use fake names), most people will be able to remember your name and face after seeing your blog post 3 times.

4. An Image Says More Than A Thousand Words:

If you want your post to be read, you need to add some pictures to it. Blogs do have the advantage of being text-only, and that’s a big reason why people like them over the alternative. But you can always spice up your posts with images and other media that will make it stand out from the crowd even more. Adding an image to your posts is a great way of getting more clicks too, since it’s much easier for people to get into reading something when they’re looking at an interesting picture than just staring at paragraphs of text on a screen.

5. You Can Point Your Readers To Other Sources:

It’s not always necessary to have a blog presence, but it’s pretty useful. If you’re someone who reads many different blogs and wants to know what works best without risking their information being lost, then having a blog with an active group of readers might be the way for you. You can use them as a reference for your own posts.Blogs are great for this type of thing, because if your post doesn’t receive many views or comments, which is what most bloggers want, it’s very easy to just link back to the original source where people found your post in the first place.

6. You Don’t Have To Worry About Getting Caught:

For a blogger, google is a constant threat. If your post attracts the attention of the wrong people (like when you’re posting something controversial), then you might end up having to change your blog name and start posting somewhere else. This is why many bloggers use pseudonyms or fake blogs, so they won’t be found by anyone searching for them online.   Luckily, social media doesn’t have this problem – no matter what posts you make on Facebook or Twitter, your actual identity stays hidden. You can easily change your name and nobody will find out who you really are unless you tell them.


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