What is im sports vt?

The im sports vt is a revolutionary new digital and media platform that aims to redefine the way people engage with sports. We’ve all experienced the drama of our favorite teams, players and coaches. Root for your team, trade picks, cheer on your favorites – im sports vt is all about you. With cutting-edge created content and a nationwide interactive game show in each city, im sports vt asks you to put yourself in the center of it all with life-changing prizes and incredible experiences on offer every day.

Now here are three reasons why you should tune into their live game show: 

1. You get to see what’s really happening behind the scenes of your favorite team 

2. You have a chance to win $20,000

3. It’s Sports, Live – What Else Do You Need?

Why should you tune in to im sports vt?


1. You get to see how the pros play their games LIVE. You also get a chance to play with them on live TV! 

2. You can see how it’s done and be like your favorite coach or player by learning their trade secrets. 

3. It’s interactive and gives you a voice – you can ask your questions or say something funny or silly on air – that’s what its all about! 

4. It’s the games you love – with all-new ways to play!

Why should you watch im sports vt? 


1. Im sports vt gives you a chance to win $20,000 in cash every day. 

2. It’s interactive and gives you a voice – you can ask your questions or say something funny or silly on air – that’s what its all about! 

3. It’s the games you love – with all-new ways to play! 

4. You get to see how the pros play their games LIVE. You also get a chance to play with them on live TV! 

5. It’s fast-paced, fun and addictive. 

6. It’s the games you love – with all-new ways to play!  

7. It’s fun, interactive and engaging. 

8. Im sports vt is all about you – your picks, your trades, your opinions – you’re the center of it all!

What are the benefits?

In addition to the great prizes and prize pools, im sports vt gives you a chance to win: 

1. Trip of a lifetime no matter how big or small 

2. Play with your favorite team – including the Top 150 players on their website! 

3. Look like the best coach or player on TV by playing with them – watching their pitches, calling plays, getting tips from them as an analyst…the buzz is real!

4. Watch every one of your favorite teams games at home – now that’s interactive! 

5. Think you know something about sports? Think again – im sports vt gives you an opportunity to show the world what you know in just 10 minutes! 

6. Play with all the pros – the Top 150 players on their website 

7. Get a chance to win $20,000 in cash every day!

8. Watch every one of your favorite teams games at home – now that’s interactive!

9. Think you know something about sports? Think again – im sports vt gives you an opportunity to show the world what you know in just 10 minutes! 

10. Play with all the pros and be like your favorite coach or player by learning their trade secrets – yes, they really do give tips to coaches and players! 

Are there any drawbacks?

1. Our new website is still in beta, so it might be a little buggy. We really appreciate your patience and understanding! 

2. We only have one channel right now, so if you don’t live in the same city as us, it might not be on air yet – but it will definitely be coming soon! 

3. You have to know how to play – no experience needed!

4. This isn’t a walk in the park – you have to pay attention because things move quickly on set!

5. We’ve heard that some schools or offices don’t allow watching streaming media – sorry about that! But we’re working to fix that as well – stay tuned… 

6. You can’t get it for free. 

7. You’ll have to tune in every day – because you don’t want to miss the best sports game show in town!

Bottom Line:

im sports vt is a revolutionary new digital and media platform that aims to redefine the way people engage with sports. We’ve all experienced the drama of our favorite teams, players and coaches. Root for your team, trade picks, cheer on your favorites – im sports vt is all about you. With cutting-edge created content and a nationwide interactive game show in each city, im sports vt asks you to put yourself in the center of it all with life-changing prizes and incredible experiences on offer every day.


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