You don’t have to be a climate scientist or even a scientist to know that climate change is dangerous and we should do our best to stop it with duel devastator card list yugioh. The term “climate change” can be difficult for some people, though. They may not understand the meaning of the word “climatic,” they may not understand what an increase in ________ means, they may not realize that temperature predictions are based on models and therefore unfalsifiable…
The following article provides a definition of climate change in layman’s terms as well as 8 unforgivable sins of CLIMATE.
1. Sin of Ignorance
Informing people about climate change is not enough. We also need to inform them about the danger of climate change and the need for decisive action. Among those who are not yet convinced of the truth of climate change, the most common sin is that they don’t feel like taking any action. Maybe they think that their contribution to changing the world isn’t much and therefore won’t make a difference. Maybe they are content with what they have and don’t want to do anything more drastic than switching their light bulbs out for CFLs; or maybe they think it’s just a bunch of nonsense, a liberal hoax.
2. Sin of Effectiveness
When we decide to take action on climate change, we don’t necessarily have to be effective. We can try to make the most of what we are doing and let the future look after itself. It’s understandable, but it’s a very risky approach. If you’re playing a game of tennis and your opponent has a very fast serve, you may be tempted to keep on hitting the ball as hard as you can so that it will reach your partner more quickly. You may even start running upright behind the ball so that it is easier for your partner to return it!
3. Sin of Good Intentions
The problem with good intentions is that they are too often canceled out by poor actions. For example, you might want to save the environment, so you try to reduce your electricity consumption, or recycle more… but how? Are you recycling aluminum cans or are you burning them in your backyard? Are you reducing energy consumption for heating or for cooling? Does your energy-efficient refrigerator keep food cold better than the older models?
4. Sin of Alarmism
Actually, if all else is equal, there’s no problem with alarmism. It’s quite normal. If we’re going up in a plane and are told that we will be landing shortly, we’ll be alarmed by the news. But suppose they tell us that we’ll land in a few minutes when actually it will be hours before our plane touches down. That would be inexcusable.

5. Sin of Silence
If a friend told you that he was going to destroy your house, your immediate response wouldn’t be to look for a way to save your house! If you see someone stealing money from an ATM, you don’t judge whether he should do it or not; you call the police! You are responsible for doing what you can to help stop climate change, and this will involve informing others of the seriousness of the situation. After all, our fate is in everyone’s hands, not just in those of politicians and statesmen.
6. Sin of Inaction
Climate change is still talked about as if it’s something far away in the future because governments are guilty of inaction. They are constantly putting off the difficult decisions. In Spain, the climate change debate began in 1990. In 2000, it was clear that something needed to be done, and a law was passed creating a foundation for action on climate change and even more ambitious goals were set for 2020. Yet here we are, in 2012 at the beginning of the second decade of this century, talking about 2020 as if nothing has changed and no further steps must be taken until then. Let’s put an end to inaction!
7. Sin of Certainty
We are constantly bombarded with opinions from all directions. Politicians tell us that it is too difficult to fight climate change and that we have no choice but to wait until new technologies come along. Environmentalists tell us that the situation is dire, that we are running out of time and that the situation is much worse than what politicians let on. Certain climate scientists tell us that burning fossil fuels is certain to make the earth hotter and it will be too late in thirty years or so if we don’t make drastic changes now.
8. Sin of Knowledge
Some people think they know what will happen if we don’t reduce our greenhouse gas emissions immediately. So there is no point in taking action. There’s nothing we can do about it anyway. What’s the point of even trying? That sounds a lot like a justification for doing nothing about climate change, but it is an example of the sin of knowledge.
It is true that if we continue to burn fossil fuels at the current rate, temperatures will rise by 3 °C by 2050 and sea levels will rise 70 centimeters , affecting many communities around the world. It is also true that some scientists predict that these changes could lead to death, famine, drought and floods.
Climate change is not a problem that can be solved by governments or by negotiations. Only society as a whole can solve it and only if we take decisive actions today. It’s our responsibility to inform ourselves, to learn about the facts on which predictions are based and to act. We can vote but we can also do other things that make our voices heard in support of addressing climate change: attend public meetings, express opinions, go on demonstrations, write letters to the editor; we can also work for campaigns and organize ourselves for social change.
Climate Change – Sin of Ignorance