Porn is a multi-billion dollar industry that is thriving in every continent. In the United States alone, the number of porn stars and sex workers is estimated at almost 150,000. For those of you who are unaware, sex workers do things like provide their clients with sexual services and to pay them for it. Sex workers are not only in the porn industry, but also in prostitution and pornography.

As I was writing this article, I came across some new information. Porn actress Alexis Texas had her wrists and ankles tied together for hours and hours while she was in a coma. Apparently there was a report that she died of a drug overdose, but that wasn’t the news that I wanted to hear. It turns out that porn stars are not only in the porn industry, they’re also in prostitution and pornography.

That seems like a bit of a stretch for someone whose name is also that of a porn star. A lot of the sex workers in porn are in fact prostitutes as well, so I’m sure they would have said something about that. But even so, I couldn’t help but wonder if that was only true in the porn industry.

There is also an industry of prostitutes in prostitution and pornography.

The porn industry is big – well, bigger than the prostitution industry: it’s the industry that makes it possible to legally buy and sell sex. It’s also incredibly profitable, with the pornography industry making it profitable to produce the stuff that makes up porn. According to a 2011 study by the International Centre for research on the Distribution of Prostitution in the World, the global porn industry generated $3.6 billion in 2009, or $60 million an hour.

Now that’s a lot of money. And porn has made it easy for people to buy and sell sex. But what about the pornstars themselves? They face a whole lot of legal problems, including having sex with multiple partners, having sex on the job, being charged with prostitution, and being arrested for prostitution. In the case of the sex workers in Thailand, they are even being detained by police and then charged with prostitution.

You’d think that we’d finally be getting a handle on the porn industry’s shady business practices and corruption, but we haven’t. As far as we can tell, the industry is rife with a number of very shady practices that make the trade seem more like a mafia-run business than something that most people would want to deal with.

The industry is one of the first things that we’ll talk about after we’ve made this point. We’ll talk about how we’re dealing with the porn industry.


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